"If I have children with a wife or girlfriend, chances are she'll do most of the childrearing, and in particular the most dirty, repetitive and unrewarding parts of childrearing."
I disagree with this because women are people too. I feel if a male and female both decided on having children they both should equally take care of that child. Unless they follow the system of one parent working and the other stays home with the child(ren). Even then just because you provide for the household doesn't mean you shouldn't spend time with your family. I believe that parents should take both parts in caring for the household if its working or not. While one works outside the other is working at home making sure the house is clean and under control.
I agree. You bring up a very important point about having children: both parents are equally responsible. Also, running a household is a full time job, as you rightly note in your post, unfortunately as it is free labor, it does not get recognized as work. Do you think most men are aware of this and simply turn a bling eye to it? Or, as Deutsch points out, this is just another privilege that men do not even realize they possess? On the other hand, don't you think some women would object to their husbands/boyfrieds being the stay-at-home-parent as this is not the most conventional arrangement?